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July 2022 Rashifal(English)

July 2022 Rashifal(English)



Career -

Aries Rashi people,if you want to achieve good heights in your carrer,then you have to align with these lines of a kavita "Neend Chain ko Tyago tum". The month promises achievements in your professional life and the work done during the begining of the months becomes very imporatnt from profession prospective. Second part of the month you can get its benefits and will bring happiness ,comfort in your professionl and personal life. You may get promoted, or get new job ,expasion in your current profile etc the beginning of the month, you will be actively pursuing your work. Seek advise from experienced people for your profession as well as finance. Female employees will help you. You will be able to defeat your enemies and also will clear interviews. Avoid show offs. Be careful of your enemies specially in first ,second and fourth week of the month.Be careful and do not cross line or fight with your seniors, higher officials of your orgnisation.


Chances  of finalising or purchaging new House or may be blessed with the property of your ansestors. Investements done in the past may yield good returns. Do not trigger any sudden change of your location or travel as it may put you in trouble. Post 15th you should take up work related to your property. Do not try to win property disputs if any, try and find our diplomatic dialogs, a middle way and close it.

Personal Life-

Elder siblings may help you to complete your important task. Do not plan journey suddenly. Behave well and do not insult or disrespect others. 

Health -

Good health is seen in the month of July. Take care of your fathers health in the last week of the month and do not have opinion difference with him.



Career -
Average month from carrer prospective however during the second half of the month,few people will achieve professional success.The native capability will increase bestowing him to use his rights and authority. Your management skills will be visbile and recognised by all. Increase in confidence. Second half of the month you will complete your tasks which will make third and fourth week of the month favorable.

Take a control on your expenses as you may buy expensive items for home. Ensure the expenses are not unwanted. If managed properly,you will be able to get rid of regular economical loads ,like loans etc.

Personal Life-
Disharmony in married life because of expectations and lack of understanding. Good from material pleasure ,luxury and lifestyle.
Love birds will marry. Journey will bring positive results.Peace and prosperity in life will resume in second half of the month. Do not leave the requirements of family on the wish of Luck,destiny etc,put positive efforts. Nothing possible without sakam karma. God helps them who helps themselves. Keep eyes on your kids and love birds on each other.

Your soul energy is going to go down because of improper energies flowing in and out,hence it is going to imact your health and mind. Take Yoga and do not be careless for your health. Fooding habit needs attention as you may encouter issues related to your stomach by last week of the month..

You might get a new job or wil change the current one. If looking for change then do proper assesment before changing the job,do not act in hurry or impluse.Peers will be supportive at work. Few of you might think to take up studies for career enhancement. Students looking for addmission will get a desired one. Hurdles at work for Govt employees will reduce.People working for Govt projects will do well or any of their personal work pending at Govt will get approved.
The first 15 days will be good from financial prospective,specially if engaged in business of export import or doing business with MNC.You can start online business this month and people who already have online business will see substantial growth. Letigated work will still be slow. You need to keep patience and manage the cash crunch facing in business.Do not extend your expenses beyond your capacity and control your temper.
Personal Life-
Love realtionship will get stronger,ensure you are truthful,honest to your love partner.Do not overspend on your love partner.Your kids will perform well in studies. Happy times is seen surrounding your home. Auspicious ceremomy at home. Few will receive some good news between 10th to 19th of the month. Love relationship will change into a long term mariage relationship.Pressure on young couples will increase for marriage,however do not just get married without proper investigation.Parents are requested to keep patience. Kids should not be given high amount as pocket money. Keep a eye.

Health issues are seen for you and your spouse,but you will get your health treated properly. Your spouse will face health issues frequently in the month of July. Avoid junk and spicy food please.

Career-- Initals of the month favorable for you. In case salary hike is due ,you will get salary hike. If you are from any artistic industry ,then you might get an amazing opportunity.Misunderstnding with peers.
Finance --Profit is expected from property related work but need to be very careful while undergoing any financial transactions. 2nd and 4th part of month favorable.Last week not great.
Personal Life-
You will be able to fight adverse conditions by doing right deeds. Seek advise and blessing of parents. Maintain high dignity in all relationships. New work will yield good results. Do not overthink as I see lot of unknown fear surrounding your mind becasue of saturn goacher.People will try to deceive you. You might meet old friends on social media.Do not get into sexual relationship and respect your boundaries in love relationship. 
Health -Improvement in health.
The second and the fourth week will be most favourable for you.
Headach,Migrane pain in first half of month,mainly because of stress and overthinking.


Those who are not in job will get job this month.You will gain confidence and now will not hide or shy anymore. You will comeout from the trauma of unemployement and social reputation will increase. Favourable for students. Authorities and seniors at workplace will support you. Visa for foreign trips will be granted or if visa was stuck it will get cleared. Some of you will receive great and happy news. Great time for people working in medical and mining industry. 

Finance -Ok but be careful of people. Most of them will get attached with you for thier benefits and then will ditch.
Personal Life-
Relationship and bonding with life partner will be strong.Parents blessing will help to gain in life.Siblings will be helpful.You will take interest in religious activities. Close people will betray you.Love birds will face issues in their relationship. Do not get into extra marriage affairs. Second part of the month not good.
Be careful while using machines.Consult a doctor before taking any medicine as in this month even a minor wrong medicine can imapact your health. Go for aureveda for lomg term fixes. Your stomach will have some or other issues.


Career -
Political guys will get ladder up in their career. Will use your experience and knowledge to expand your business.New income source will open up. Good opportunities by the last week of the month.Subordinates will not be supportive.Avoid all controversies. Be truthful or else you might lose important opportunities due to your untruthful behaviour. Keep faith in your talent. Increase in your responsibilities

Finance-Payments which was stuck since long will be cleared.

Personal Life- Do not trust other for your things. Married couple will be worried about concieving for baby. Test will be normal but it will be difficult to concieve. New friends will keeping adding in your life. Business partnership will strenghten further and if any disputes was going on it will get solved.  You will get a chance to learn from your past mistakes. You will opt for sprituality and lead a blissful life.Good time to go for a spritual travel.Be loyal in relationhsip.
Positive changes in your thougt process.Stomach will have several issues and you may feel weak because of the same.Get you BP and sugar checked frequently.Stress will adversely affect your health. Keep your mind cool and calm or esle your it will effect your health.


Career- You may start something new .A new job also on cards. New source of income will open.Realtionship with bosses and father will go well. First ,second and fifth week will be good and happy.

Your acquaintances will bring benefits to you. You will give donations and will do charities.Do not get engaged in stocks etc ,specially forward trading ,lottery,short term stocks. etc. These may bring losses.Do not make any investement in the second half of the month.Keep your doccumented systematic and at safe place and do not sign any docuument without reading properly.

Personal Life-People will come forward and help you. Will make new friends who will be beneficial to you.Lot of changes are expected in your life hence gear up.You will smoothen the relationship with your enemies. Suddenly you will get attacted towards you previous lover and chances of reunion but married people should not engage in flirtation.Expenses will rise because of child education. May go for a vaccation. Ask your family members to be careful while using social media ,phones etc and do not get entice on products as high chances are there that they will get trapped and cheated.


Post 2nd week needs health attention mainly related to skin,allregies etc which can be because of season change. Also bones related issues can arise.



Business and work will expand. Your authority and facilities at work will increase. Good chances of salary hike. People engaged in manufacturing work will gain. If want to start some studies,do not get admission based on advertising.Investigate properly. Donot close your eyes towards th eemployees you trust,you may get cheated.

Finance- May buy new home or recontruct it. Past debt will trouble you. High investement in short trips. Do not get distracted from your long term business goals.

Personal life- You will establish good contacts which will help you in your work. You will propose the person of your chioce after lot of effort. Loyality will increase in love realtionship because of some event.Harmony in married life.

Highly motivated and energetic. Later in the month you will feel knees and joint pains. Do yoga and meditation to control.



Career- Good chances for promotion .Work may demand to travel. On the other hand if working in travel or hotel industry ,you will be highly occupied and earning potential will increase.Travelling done for business deal will get siuccess. Your words and comprehensive ability will take to achieve your deals,work. 

Finance- Good month from financial and social connection prospective.Investement in new property will bring good results.Do proper research before investing in stocks.3rd week serious concerns in business.

Personal Life-
Domestic harmony and happiness will surround your home.Kids will perform good at studies. Second and fourth week will be very enjoying and happy but first week of the month needs to be managed well,specially with your spouse.Don’t disregard elderly people. I

Confidence wil increase.Take some time for yoga,puja and sprituality.


Career- Support you peers and get support from them. You will realise your past mistakes and learn from it. If you are able to,then will definatly reap its benefits. People enegaged in medical,medicine,healing etc will get benfits in this month.Business people will try something very innovative and will gain. Shortcoing needs to be worked upon and do not let others know about it.Little tough times for people in sales and marketting. Be focused o work and spend less time at home or discussion on fights related to home or who said what etc.

Finance- Do not become guranteer for anyone at bank or other places of finance or else you will land up in serious trouble.

Personal Life-
More and more dedicated to family. Will keep your family happy.You will like to gather lot of knowledge this month.Time to tell your family about the person you love.Go ahead and arrange a meeting with family.Second and third week of  the month will be auspicious.People who are looking for love,may get one this month.Disharmony in married life is seen.Seek advice from close friends without telling them the issues.Avoid conflict with spouse and business partner. The second part of the month have high chances of conflict.


Health seems to be improving,however stop junk,oliy food.By default you are not supposed to consume non veg and drinks.

Career -People from artistic field will become very creative and will attain heights. Working professional may get transfer.You will get some happy news this month.Check your mail too frequently.People appearing for compititive exams and interviews will do well or positive results will come.Third and fourth week should be used to trigger some important task in carrer.First week more fovarable than others.You will be trying to learn deep science or will try to decode it.Over-confidence dengerous at workplace.

Finance- You will run out of budget hence not a good month from financial prospective.

Personal Life-A close friend will now become your love partner..People who were trying to concieve but was not able to,have good news.You will be able to concieve now hence seek all medical support and try this month.Will be able to seek guide for experienced people for personal and professional life.This will enhance your courage and you will be motivated in life.Do not argu with your partner and bosses.May receive some sad news from close relative. Divorce can trigger for some,hence keep the environment silent at home and only discuss joyful things.Married life is not a court case where if you win you will get something,hence take a control and bow down,if that helps to move on for a blissful life.

Be careful about your health this month,as you may go through unwanted stress and tensions which will impact your health.This may have because of few past tough situations,popping up your mind and soul.You may get impacted by cold,allregies and  covid19 and hence be careful.


Career- Dealy in important work. Hard work required to get health,success and happiness at work.

Finance--Lokking to buy new properety? Go ahead, you may like and buy  new property or benefitted in property deals ,rental income.Will earn good returns from your investements.Business trips will reap results.

Personal Life--Issues in Love relationship because of a third party or communication gap.You will be blamed for issues in the family.Second and third week not good. Do not assume carry any preception as you may go wrong.Kids will perform good in exams.Will get love partner you were looking since long.Close friend with whom you had gap in relationship will reunite.You will spend time with your spouse.

Health issues and hence do not eat junk,oil,non veg and outside of home.Consume fresh home made food or cook by yourself.Pain in body parts.If female then periods will not go well.

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